Tuesday, September 26, 2017

5 steps to outstanding content marketing

By now, most organizations realize that content marketing should be a crucial part of their PR and marketing strategies.

However, it can get overwhelming to remember to update your blog regularly, distribute your newsletter on a consistent basis and focus the necessary time on social media marketing.

Fortunately, by counting to five, you can remember the crucial tenets of content marketing:

1. Create one foundational message.

Every post shouldn't use the same words over and over, but it must have the heart of your organization behind it.

For example, at Three Girls Media, we are dedicated to providing personalized PR and custom content. We show this consistent message by offering tips and tricks for organizations looking to personalize their brands through traditional and digital tactics, such as blogging, social media and email marketing.

[RELATED: Learn how to create content that makes a difference to your bottom line at the Brand Storytelling and Content Marketing Conference at The Coca-Cola Company.]

2. Read everything twice.

Before you publish your blog post, social media updates or newsletter, read through it at least two times to catch typos, grammatical errors and confusing sentences. Read it out loud, as this can help your brain find mistakes.

3. Cross-promote your work at least three times.

In addition to publishing your blog post on your website, share it with your social media followers and include it in your next newsletter.

4. Remember your audience.

You must think about your readers before you write or post online. Ask yourself the question, "Why would they care?"

5. Update social profiles several times each week.

If you're going to invest your time and resources in social media marketing, make it count.

The lifespan of a post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn is incredibly short (about 60-90 minutes), so make sure you update your online profiles at least five times per week

Not sure what to post? Share your latest blog post(s), interesting industry-related articles you recently read, funny memes, helpful infographics and engaging videos.

What tips would you add to this list?

Emily Sidley is the senior director of publicity at Three Girls Media . A version of this article originally appeared on the agency's blog.

(Image via)

Source: 5 steps to outstanding content marketing

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