Thursday, December 7, 2017

Digital Marketing Trends: Discontinue in 2018

Digital marketing tactics are playing a vital role in our life. Businesses trust them to grow substantially. There is a very simple logic behind marketing, one which is close to the eyes can win the heart of buyers. The ultimate game is about winning the trust of your buyers in order to maintain a long-term relationship with them and achieve success.

Marketers develop strategies and optimize them to gain more profit by their efforts. These strategies are well-planned and tested by experts. After getting the desired result from panned tactics, they analyze the success rate of each. If something is capable to create more benefits such as sales and traffic, can be categorized as trends.In this post, we would like to throw some light on the trends that come around and will be no more in the picklist of latest trends. We can say hopefully they will be discarded completely in a coming year. Well, it may already be working for you, so don't feel less about opting them. Don't freak out. If you are syncing all the eggs in one basket, you should incorporate good changes.

Marketing in the publishing world works differently for different genres, different people, and different audiences. A lot of things in marketing work differently for different people. For example, some people do not like social media while some are addicted to it. So you have to keep your strategies balanced in order to win all type of audience. Let's have a look at the following trends to be aware of what will not be the part of your marketing strategies.

1. Long Text Heavy eBooks

The basic theory behind omitting this trend is due to tremendous increase in a number of mobile users than desktop users. As per the Gartner's report, it is predicted that in 2018, 50% of users will use their mobile device for all online activities. This has created a buzz for marketers.

They are trying to weed out the trend of long text-heavy ebooks as mobile devices are increasingly gaining more popularity among users than any other devices such as laptop or desktop.

One should definitely make his moves according to that. Any content you are providing to your audience must be mobile-friendly and designed according to the mobile's compatibility.

The content must be designed in the form of quizzes, surveys and interactive web pages, have podcast series of audio and video and something more creative like online animations. So, that the users can digest it and will not go mad after watching your heavy text ebooks.

2. Drip Campaigns without Personalization

Drip email marketing is a way of direct marketing to nurture leads with the help of dropping series of emails repeatedly over a longer period of time. Pre-designed content is used to automatically send in emails to retain old contacts and add new ones. There are many automated online tools available for "dripping" your content.

Now it is shown in stats that drip campaigns are 80% more effective than usual single send emails, also the click-through rates are three times higher than other approaches. How amazing is this approach? The question is why it is going to leave the race.

Well, the strategy is effective enough but not optimized in right way. It will stay in next year but with personalization. If you are taken as interest or any service of yours is directly asked by customers, use drip emails for that with the more personalized approach. Otherwise, the customer will get frustrated with you and may even spam you.

3. Delivering much Content without Qualfory

Content digital marketing

This must be harder for the people who are growing their ranks and traffic with the help of long content. There is nothing wrong with providing long content, but this makes the writer forget about quality over quantity. They are writing more and more words to impress the readers and doing a lot with images and graphics.

Trust us, it really becomes hard for users to find relative information on desired topics. Because craving for words just makes your articles lengthy and worthless at the same time, it has very fewer details of the exact topic. Sometimes, the topics are completely distracted ones and have a very poor quality will leave users unexplained.

Practice quality first so that you can win the heart of your audience and stay trendy for the coming year.Get an idea from companies providing digital marketing services, they will handle all ins and outs for you.

4. Overloading Marketing Automation

Businesses should happen between people, not with machines. Although automated marketing tools made the life easier for marketers. But at the end, if things get messy, turn off your buyers as well. From very early (as mentioned in the third point), it is vital to be more personalized. This is very much simple and will be beneficial if you practice presenting right things to the right contact.

Automation does not work with all kind of marketing activities. For some outside marketing activities, it can damage your real potentials. Everything is designed for a purpose and the actual purpose of marketing is to fulfill the needs of the business. Understanding buyer's behavior is crucial to use any marketing tactics. Automation does not allow you to do so. Make sure you gain buyer's attention with current trends.

5. Overly Complex Lead Scoring Algorithms

Doing complex things will take your time and ultimately indulge you in unnecessary efforts which can be used for the betterment of any other required work. When you are focusing on the lead collection with inbound marketing, these leads are filtered out with the help of a lead scoring algorithm.

The complex algorithm takes time of entire team as they have to perform communications to refine the definitions and it slows down the overall work. A predictive lead algorithm is in everyone's interest and hence you should be aware of this latest algorithm to deliver the right content in order to enhance your sales.

6. Organic Search Query-Facebook

Organic facebook expire

It is very common for businesses to have their page on various social channels which they regularly use to get in touch with their customer base. These businesses used to post four times a day and hope to see themselves in top ranks. What they usually miss here is the social media platforms earn from their ad-generated revenue.

Go creative and useful to expand your reach and you can have more engaged audience. Facebook is no longer a free ad platform, you can go for more tools that are paid but will give you a definite reason to use it. Paid search will give you more authentic leads as if you go with new explorer feed, your post will be available for a long time and more followers can see it.

But if, you go with unpaid feed, the organic search will not do much for you. Being the biggest social channel, Facebook is not available for chasing benefits for you. You can do advertising without paid tools, but that will not make sense because only a few people will view that and respond to it that may even not available for rest of the followers. It is pointless to stick with the trend which is not working for you.

You can fix it by using 'Facebook booster',' new explorer feed' and many new paid and free tools that are provided by Facebook itself to get right benefits of your efforts.

7. Text-Based SEO Strategy

How much text do we use to put our content on our sites, blogs, and other guest blogging sites? The answer is, maximally text is optimized in the form of content. The situation will be better if we focus and use other forms of content too. For example, we can use infographics, audios, videos, GIFs, and memes as well.

Only-text is out of trends now, so try to become concise and boost your visibility with other formats. No doubts, people love reading but they prefer infographics and videos much effective to understand the topic at the time of need. Must try this, it will help retain the audience for a long term. They will surely spend more time on your blog or site.

8. Email Marketing or Email Newsletter or Email Sign up

New email subscribers are considered highly engaged. This trend is going to be banned because some of the marketers are taking advantage of that by warming people up and sending emails without any strong sketch to gain popularity among the audience. But this actually freaks up many of the customers. Be more specific with your user's choice and focus the target audience.

The emails must be sent with a purpose, have a follow-up sequence and some interactive features like asking them to open your email and for dropping a response. This can make your audience more engaged and loyal towards you. They can be able to know you better and trust your services more. Asking a question to your email subscribers is like creating thousands of opportunities. So must give a try on doing interactions in emails instead of dropping unplanned emails.


Even well-planned tactics go out of trends due to its least feasibility with the current system. There is nothing wrong with changing tactics, instead, it can improve your overall working style. Well, above are some of the trends that will be expired by a coming year. Hope you learn how to fix them all. Kindly share your views on this post and anything you want to share related to this topic, you are free for it, do share. Stay trendy and good luck!!

Source: Digital Marketing Trends: Discontinue in 2018

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