Friday, June 16, 2017

Oswego unveils new marketing logo

Oswego has launched a regional marketing and rebranding campaign to attract more visitors and accelerate economic development.

#GoOswego features a new regional marketing logo and website at that will feature all of Oswego's special events, including those sponsored by the village and other community organizations, village officials said.

The #GoOswego initiative is part of the Village Board's efforts to develop a plan that would promote Oswego's amenities as a place to live as well as have a business, according to village officials.

The new logo has an eagle in flight above the village's name.

"The aim is to build Oswego's image across Chicagoland as a forward-thinking, business friendly regional entertainment destination where residents and visitors gather in an engaging natural environment," Oswego Community Relations Manager Michele Brown said in a statement.

Brown said the campaign will have a purpose beyond serving as a guide for upcoming events and attractions.

"The new marketing logo and website will also be aimed at attracting new residents and businesses to Oswego. Phase two of the website rollout will include more information on shopping, dining, attractions and overnight stays," Brown said.

Trustees in April 2016 directed staff to research the cost to develop a branding plan that would review the village's logo, marketing methods, tagline and the village's website content.

The Village Board in July awarded a contract to Evanston-based Business Districts Inc. that developed the plan over the past year. As part of its work, consultants met with community focus groups.

Brown said village staff and representatives of the Village Board worked with the consultants to determine Oswego's regional brand identity.

"The goal of the team was to set Oswego apart from our competitors and surrounding communities," Brown said.

Linda Girardi is a freelance reporter for The Beacon-News

Source: Oswego unveils new marketing logo

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