Thursday, May 18, 2017

Marketing a Website

This is it! The moment you have been waiting for is finally here! You have finally launched your website and are eagerly awaiting the mass of traffic and even sales that you know are just around the next corner! However, as you begin to spend each day refreshing Google analytics, you begin to rapidly lose your enthusiasm. Having to spread the word about your new business, having to drive people to your new site, building awareness of your brand, and ultimately, sales are also an aspect of business that might begin to drive your level of anxiety ever higher.

Before your anxiety spirals to levels that are out of control, you need to understand that the initial launching of your business is just the first step and that from this point on, your business is more about marketing. Yes, you can market your website without spending a penny. Yes, you can build brand awareness easily if you have the know – how and the wherewithal. For those of you who don't have these things, read on to learn a few things.

Optimize It

SEO – Search Engine Optimization – is quite an important factor when it comes to improving the visibility of your site. It has to do with ensuring that your site's content matches the potential terms used for searching for what you offer. Some of the common SEO targets are things like the titles of the pages, descriptions of the images, and the use of natural keywords within the content itself. Most business will hire one of the one of the best national SEO services to do this for them. SEO can be a process that is time-consuming, but nonetheless, it is a critical aspect of getting a top ranking with the search engines and the increase in traffic that will naturally come along with that. It is critical to remember though that this is a process that can take months to produce any noticeable results.

Blog About It

If you want to build links to your website, and yes, this is one of the proven ways to market your website, you can do it with a blog. Begin this blog on your own site and using your own domain. If you fill the blog with fantastic content and regular comments regarding your industry, people will be more likely to link to it and you will gain more followers. This can up your page rank on the search engines. Having something to say and being consistent with your posts are important. If you decide to further the blog, you can do guest posts on other business blogs or even have another blog that might be in a third – party site. Just find reasons to talk about your business and link back to your business domain.

Call to Action

If you are unfamiliar with this, you need to learn about it and use it right now. See? That was a call to action. This can be described as using imperative verbs, such as register to win, save, buy now, or click today, that will encourage your visitors to take a specified action on your website. Use calls to action and links to assist your visitors in navigating your website and to give them a clear idea of what action it is that you would like them to take. Without a specific call to action, they might just wander all around your website and never do anything… which means that you have just lost an opportunity to convert a visitor into a customer and because of this, you have just lost money.

Include Your URL

Make sure that every single piece of paper that leaves your office, be it business cards, invoices, presentation folders, spec sheets, letterhead, packing slips, marketing collateral, press releases, or anything else, has your URL on it. Beyond that, never forget to add your site address to your PowerPoint presentations, and even in the footer of proposals and white papers. Your URL needs to appear in every piece of advertising, whether it is on TV, billboards, radio, or print items. It also needs to be on all forms of tissue, ribbon, wrapping paper, bags, lids, labels, and cartons or any other packaging materials.

Source: Marketing a Website

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