The Weekly Measure is your weekly on stop source for digital marketing news. Each week we cover the latest from the content marketing, paid search, social media, search engine optimization and link building fields. Also included is a continually updated schedule of events and conferences taking place around the world. Keep up each week with the Weekly Measure as we continue to deliver the latest in internet marketing news.
Content Marketing This Week in Content Marketing: What Does Fake News Mean for Content Marketing?In a special Thanksgiving episode of This Old Marketing on Content Marketing Institute, Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose discussed what the recent fake news trend means for content marketing. Topics also covered are the merger of content-focused agencies MXM and C3, Facebook's measurement issues and how turkey provider Butterball is keeping their brand up with the times.
Mike Huber of Vertical Measures posted about how to determine a content marketing budget in 2017. Huber's meaty article delves into how to build a content marketing budget, where to source the money for it, and how to allocate the budget across the different items you'll want to include to be successful.
William Larcom wrote on PPC Hero about PPC strategy for the holiday season. He lists five fast fixes to retool PPC shortcomings in time for the mid-December shopping surge.
Google Potentially Introducing Image Site Link ExtensionsWill Green talked about Google possibly introducing image site link extensions on Green hypothesizes on the impact these extensions could have on PPC.
Social Media How to Navigate the Social Ad Spend Solar System [Infographic]Mike Tomita made a post containing an infographic on Marketo about advertising on social media. The in-depth infographic covers the various social platforms and how their ad features can benefit marketing campaigns.
Lessons Learned from Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Retailers Must Be Open to ChangeJohn Donnelly III wrote about social media lessons learned by retailers from the recently past Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping events on Marketing Land. He expands upon three key takeaways from a report Crimson Hexagon performed that shed light on how consumers feel about Black Friday and how retail marketers should respond to these feelings this holiday season.
SEO The Ultimate Guide to Site StructureOn Yoast, Marieke van de Rakt posted an information rich guide to site structure. The guide highlights topics such as the imporance of site structure, setting it up and practical tips and quick wins for the process.
The 7 Citation Building Myths Plaguing Local SEOJoy Hawkins wrote about local SEO on Moz. Hawkin's post runs through seven citation building myths commonly heard from small business owners and SEOs alike.
Link Building 56% Say You Can't Rank Without Link Building [STUDY]Rina Caballar shared the results of a poll sent out to Search Engine Journal's Twitter audience on the company's blog. The poll sought to answer whether or not you can rank without link building, and Caballar writes on why links still matter based on the results of polling efforts. She also looks into strategies beyond basic link building to help earn strong links.
Tactical SEO Building Blocks: Build the Right Link to Maximize ResultsGareth Simpson wrote about targeted link building on the Rocks Digital blog. Simpson muses on tried and true link strategies and the importance of matching them with the right type of site for maximum effectiveness.
Upcoming Events December 6 – 7: Digital Summit – Dallas, TexasSource: The Weekly Measure: Determining Content Marketing Budget, Site Structure Guide and Link Building's Role in Ranking
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