Sunday, December 4, 2016

Social Media Marketing Mistakes and Internet Marketing Blogs

While most people have an understanding of how social media marketing works, it is important to learn about the common mistakes a social media marketer makes. If you have not done any of them yet, at least you would know to avoid them.

social makerting mistakes wrong timingA common mistake is not posting on a regular basis. When you post once or twice a week you are not making enough online presence to be noticed. You are not making yourself memorable to your audience. Make sure that you regularly post relevant content your audience would look forward to. The timing to do posting is also very important in increase your post's visibility. There are hundreds of news update every day. If you post it too earlier, your message may overlapped by the latest news. Imagine if your target audience is household women. Posting a status during cooking hours doesn't look right since your audience is busy. The right timing should be either early morning or late night before go to bead where they are free to see some updates from social media.

Not taking time to figure out the type of social network to use for your business is another mistake. While it is true that it is overwhelming to keep up with social media platforms these days, it is important to research them. This way you determine what would be a great fit to your online business.Buying followers or paying people to comment on your posts is another huge mistake. You are essentially cheating and truth be told, you are not really getting honest engagement from people you pay to give a damn about your site.

Not taking negative feedback constructively is another mistake. Keep in mind that not everyone would love you and what you write. There would always be people that would disagree and will let you know about it. Use these criticisms as a basis to further improve your site.

Lastly, not using important data about your site for improvements is a huge mistake. You have to learn about ways to use available data to make your posts more easily available to your audience.

Make your blog site stand out from the rest.

There are millions of blogs on the internet nowadays. With that much competition, it is important to learn how you can make your blog site stand out from the rest. It is the only way you can get your internet marketing efforts noticed by your target audience. An internet marketing blog is an effective tool to reach out to your audience and hit monetary targets, if you have any.

It is important to choose a domain name that effectively reflects your blog and how you want your target audience to see it. A unique idea is incorporating your name into the blog. Stay away from web hosting companies that discourage you from using your own domain name.

Make sure the platform you are using is reliable. An example is WordPress. WordPress is quite user friendly and very popular. It also helps users to understand their blog site rankings without getting too technical.

Keyword research is essential. There are online tools you can use such as Google Adwords where you can look for keywords that you can use to base your blog posts on. There are also a number of keyword tools you can buy, allowing you to gather more information on popular keywords.

It is also important to write search engine optimized site content. The only way you can promote your blog properly is if your target audience can find you. Using keywords and writing optimized content is the key to making a presence online and promote your blog site.

It is also essential to be responsive when someone comment or ask question in your blog. Good discussion often builds up the buzz around the topic and attracts more people to join in and contribute more. Imagine if you write a blog post and receive 100 over comments from your audience. The great engagement with visitors is important to grown your visitors. In order to do that, great and interesting content often is the key fundamental. Willingness to share is also important to make your blog interesting and useful.

In short, always write something which able to bring value to your visitors!

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Source: Social Media Marketing Mistakes and Internet Marketing Blogs

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