A great marketing team or contractor can increase sales and launch a company into new successes that haven't been seen previously. Some companies just do not have the budget to implement an all-out marketing strategy. Other companies don't realize how to market in order to boost sales and leads. The following are some forms of marketing that can help build a brand, increase sales, and even increase customer loyalty.
Content MarketingSometimes this can go hand in hand with SEO as many articles are written for the purpose of manipulating the search engines. True content marketing is creating an interesting piece of content that appeals to a reader and encourages them to share on different platforms. Certain articles on high publications can build hundreds of links back to the company site or if the piece is highlighted or linked to on a site like Huffington Post can get a company's name out to the larger masses.
Email MarketingEmail marketing can be through the use of sending out newsletters or just interesting links about an industry. These emails shouldn't be sent too often as a daily email will be sent to spam much more quickly than a weekly or biweekly email newsletter. These emails can also come in forms of new deals or coupon codes offered via the email. The email list can be comprised of former and current customers along with those who have filled out the contact us form on the website. Gather emails from other sources related to the industry can be a great way to build leads. Make sure to not blast out the same emails over and over at a high rate as Google could mark the business IP as spam.
Calendar MarketingThis is a lesser known form of marketing but it works for companies who hold a lot of meetings and events. The use of online calendars can keep people informed and even stream content about a certain event. Meetings can have times changed and itineraries changed in a matter of minutes with all of those involved receiving a notification on their smartphone. This is great for weekly calls or meetings that are done as everyone will know what will be talked about and when.
Internet MarketingMany people use the computer to locate businesses or to shop around for items and services. Doing marketing in the form of ads or search engine marketing is quite important. Coming up higher on the search engines can mean millions of dollars in profit for huge corporations. The marketing budget for some of the larger brands is in the millions just for forms of internet marketing like Pay Per Click advertising or link building. If you aren't doing internet marketing as a business, the true success of the business will never be attained.
Marketing is something that not all companies put a huge effort into but it is one of the most powerful things a company can do. Building a brand and a name for a small business is important and marketing is the main way to do this. Consider trying one of these things to market your business and you won't be sorry that you did.
Source: Types Of Marketing Your Business Should Be Doing
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